
Technical Documentation

Contact person for the EDOC server is Sven Soliman.

Sven Soliman is responsible for maintainance and technical support.

EDOC as system of hardware and software is part of the technical infrastructure and technology that is used by the Computer and Media Service and the University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The Document and Publication Server (EDOC) has been developed and extended since September 1997. EDOC's technical basis is regularly being updated and adapted to current technical developments and standards.


The base of EDOC are DELL Servers and a virtualization cluster which has been integrated into the backbone of the Humboldt-Universität and therefore into the Berlin Scientific Network (BRAIN) (Gigabit Ethernet). A backup is being produced daily by the central backup system Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM). There are 2 servers belonging to the backup system which have been placed at different locations in Berlin-Mitte and in Berlin-Adlershof (ca. 12 km distance), that mirror themselves.

EDOC is using a RAID system and is attached to a SAN, in order to guarantee system stability and the reliability of the server. Data and operating system are stored redundantly.


EDOC is operating on a linux platform.

An automated harvesting of metadata can be done via the OAI2.0 interface (http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/OAI-2.0).

A webserver statistics is generated using Awstats (http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/awstats).