Welcome to the support pages of edoc-Server - we provide information about electronic publishing of dissertation thesis and other scientifc publications!
The edoc-Server is the Institutional Repository of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
This DINI certified repository and publication service of the University Library are available to all members of the Humboldt-Universität for the publication of text or research data publications in Open Access.
on the edoc-Server
Worldwide access via the Internet
Fast and cost-free publication
Assignment of persistent identifiers (DOI, URN)
Long-term archiving and assured availability
Quality assurance in technical and library terms (formats, standards, cataloguing)
Availability via OAI interface
Indexed in search engines and retrieval systems (e.g. UB Primus platform, Google Scholar, BASE)
on the edoc-Server
- Doctoral thesis
- Habilitation thesis
- Student thesis
- Self-Archiving (first and secondary publiation)
- Research data
- For editors of series, online journals and edited volumes