Publishing in collections "Abschlussarbeiten", "Dissertationen", "Habilitationsschriften", "Erstveröffentlichungen" and "Zweitveröffentlichungen"
In order to submit a document, you have to login.
- If you have a HU account
Login here:
You can start your submission right away. For all following sessions login with your HU account.
- If you don't have a HU account
Register here with any email address:
You will get an email to set your password. After this, you have to send us an email to and tell us in which collection you would like to publish, otherwise you can't choose a collection to submit.
For all following sessions login at with your email address at "edoc-Server account (email address)".
Start a submission
To start a submission either go to start another submission on your submissions page or follow these links.
If you are not logged in you will be asked to log in.
Please fill out the online form. All fields marked with * are required. You can pause and continue your submission later. At the end of the form you can upload the pdf document.
We will check your submission and inform you by email, if your submission is incomplete or the pdf file does not meet our requirements. The email will be sent to your login-e-mail-account.
The publication will be completed, if a signed publishing license or deposit license for secondary publication is available.